Unlock Value
Do you want to get optimal grip on your IT spend as well as IT performance?
Do you want to increase the value IT delivers against lower cost?
Do you want to connect the IT spend to your business strategy?
Technology Business Management can help you.
We enable IT as driving force for your business by helping you achieve the following:
Speed the shift from Cost Centre to Strategic Business Partner, by shifting the conversation to Business outcomes.
With our expertise in IT-Financial Management (ITFM) we help you create business success by improving grip on the costs, quality and performance of your IT organization whether on-premise, hybrid or in the Cloud. At It’s Value we are experts in Technology Business Management (TBM), the Business focused view of ITFM. TBM provides IT and Finance leaders with granular transparency on technology costs, so they can make investment decisions within the context of broader business goals. We improve the alignment between IT, finance and the business and consequentially the creation of value for the organization.
TBM includes all IT spend, whether on-premise, hybrid or in the Cloud. To manage Cloud spend, the FinOps best practice has been created to manage the Cloud spend in the same way as TBM does. The use of TBM and FinOps at any given company will be based primarily on the characteristics of each company’s IT spend.
Any questions?
Please book a call or meeting with one of our experts.
Increase the effectiveness of your organization with IT
Companies are undergoing an unprecedented rapid transformation, driven by technological developments. Brands such as Tesla and Airbnb quickly come to our imagination, but are not isolated. The digital transformation affects every sector. This makes effective management of IT crucial. Put simply: To stay in business, you need maximum grip on the costs, quality and performance of your IT organization.
The question is: how do you realize that? Incomprehensible processes and insufficient alignment with the business often make IT a black box. With our expertise in the field of Technology Business Management (TBM), we can change this and position IT as a valuable strategic partner within your organization.

Cloud migration and optimization:
Save up to 35% on Cloud Costs
Cloud is (becoming) a large part of your costs and therefore an important subject to manage from an IT financial view. How central is the Cloud to your business, or going to be in the near future?
Are you able to make the correct migration decisions from on-premise to the Cloud based on real data? If you are already operational in the Cloud, how are you optimizing your Cloud resources and saving money on a day-to-day basis?
Cloud costs are a growing problem for organizations of all sizes. On average 35% of Cloud spend is being wasted. With our TBM approach and FinOps we can make your on-premise and Cloud costs transparent and provide dashboards or reports by role to help you make the right analysis and take the proper decisions for Cloud migration and optimization.
IT-Finance Value Assessment
An IT-Finance Value Assessment gives you visibility about the cohesion of IT and finance from a business point of view. It makes clear how to realize the short term Quick Wins for the IT organisation, while building long-term value for the business. One of the outcomes is a tailormade roadmap for your organisation with clearly defined steps regarding:
- How to save time by implementing process improvements,
- How to realize more transparency in IT-Finance,
- How to improve your data quality, so reporting & dashboards become more reliable,
- How to provide better insights & control options,
- Which financial savings can be realized.
Book your IT-Finance Value Assessment introductory meeting with one of our experts.

It’s Value has been appointed by the Technology Business Management Council as the Council Partner for Education. It’s Value delivers the official training programs of the Council in Europe on an exclusive basis.
Are you interested to take TBM training on-location, in-house or on-line? Click here for more information
Or Check the IT-Finance Quick Wins Questionnaire right away:
IT-Finance Quick Wins Questionnaire
After completing these 10 easy questions, we recommend Quick Wins: how to create more transparency, how to improve your IT-financial processes to reduce time & effort and to deliver more insightful reports. All aiming at increasing the value of IT for your business. We add a free advice hour to explain our recommendations
ITFM products
Reporting and insights
Savings - cost reduction
How you will take steps
We ensure effective control of your organization in a short time. We achieve this by improving the cohesion and collaboration between IT, business and finance.
Our global best practice gives you the tools for effective control of your IT-Finance from a business perspective. Thousands of companies are successfully using the methodology we offer our clients.
With attention to your specific situation, we take care of the optimal structure for your organization, processes, systems and – where necessary – new forms of collaboration to successfully use IT Financial Management.
Continuity & Change
Permanent result is the only measure of success in our opinion. We guarantee continuity by training and guiding your employees on three fronts: knowledge, skills and behavior.