
IT and finance resources realize more value for the company with TBM training

Want to know more about our approach and expertise? 


It’s Value has been appointed by the Technology Business Management Council as the Council Partner for Education.
It’s Value delivers the official training programs of the Council in Europe on an exclusive basis.


Well-trained resources are essential for the sustainable implementation of TBM in the organization.  Our TBM trainings are characterized in particular by their pronounced practical relevance and depth of content and are carried out exclusively by certified TBM experts who have many years of practical experience in the design, implementation and application of TBM. Our TBM trainers have been certified by the TBM Council.

It’s Value is known for a practical approach and our training courses are no different. We will create training content that is individually tailored to your company. The TBM theoretical content is combined with best practices from the actual implementations of TBM and delivered by certified TBM experts.
Our TBM training modules are targeted for CIO’s, CFO’s, Business/IT controllers, Service Owners, Information Managers and other interested (process) management people. In short, to everyone who is interested in value-based IT management.

We offer the following training courses

TBM Council Executive Foundation

Contents:  Would you like to use TBM in your company and get to know the TBM methods and tools in detail? As a TBM beginner you will get an overview of the TBM methodology and will be familiarized with the basic principles of the tools, definitions and processes behind it. After successfully completing the online certification, you will be recognized as a “Certified Executive” by the TBM Council.

This course is recommended if you would like to receive an official certification from the TBM Council.

Duration: 2 days on location, or 4 times 4 hours online

TBM Basics

This in-house company workshop is recommended if you want to focus on concrete practical examples and interactive discussions in addition to the theoretical basics.

This training is based on the TBM Council Executive Training, but is specifically tailored as an introduction training for TBM. The training content will be tailored to the TBM situation within your company. In addition to the TBM methodology, we use concrete practical examples to show you how TBM is typically used in companies.

Duration: 4 hours, minimum number of attendees 4

TBM Advanced

This training aims in particular at employees who have a basic understanding of the theory and application of the TBM framework and want to go one step deeper into TBM.

You will get an insight into the core goals and methods of TBM as well as the typical approach to the adaptation of TBM in companies. Practical examples show how TBM is used in companies and which challenges they usually encounter during adaptation. The training concept will be tailored offers to the added value that TBM can offer your company.

Duration: 1 day, minimum number of attendees 4

TBM Practitioner

This training aims at TBM Managers, IT controllers and TBM Office members who have already gained their first practical experience with TBM and would like to supplement their skills and other best practices.


Contents:  This training focuses in particular on the TBM Office. How to realize the Business-IT cooperation by starting a discussion about value instead of costs. How to implement TBM Processes like Budgeting and Charging, based on Services and supported by a TBM system. We will show you how to automate your processes, to be able to focus on the desired outcomes, not on the process itself. Based on your individual situation, we will work together to develop optimizations and best practices that you can implement directly in your organization.


Duration:  2 days

Customized training

Customized training

We can deliver a customized TBM training to your company. Based on your requirements and goals, we will develop a TBM training program for the different roles in your organisation, which will realize the desired outcomes in terms of knowledge and skills. We will monitor and support the TBM employees to make sure the use of the newly acquired TBM skills deliver the desired outcomes.

TBM Training

We offer custom TBM training courses for IT leaders and finance managers.
Please contact us with your specific requirements.